The Sugar Windows Open
By Ben Nardolilli
Wandering around the streets of a lower cityscape
With a leading question of the internet perched in my mind:
Can a poet be related to the patron saint
Of pop music, recently canonized thanks to their lyrical miracles?
No time to stay still, I have to find the nearest stage and show off
The consolations of the craft, the real art,
Something tonight that can stretch a legacy into forever
Because forever will mean nothing, unless my name is attached
I have been a survivor so far, but I know that show will close,
How much longer can I go on missing out
On the sale of my lifetime? What if I am not related at all
To that touring reliquary, because my words lack a spotlight or beat?
In the corner of a nearly-empty tequilaria, I stop and spread eyes
On two paralegals spreading out tarot cards,
They take in symbols, read faces, and weave a new mythology
That will disappear tonight without recognition or record
Ben Nardolilli is a theoretical MFA candidate at Long Island University. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Door Is a Jar, The Delmarva Review, Red Fez, The Oklahoma Review, Quail Bell Magazine, and Slab. Follow his publishing journey at